Any day the mountain is out is a good day. When it is out, pedaling down into the valley to get the mail or deliver eggs, is smile time.
The salmon berries are fruiting. They should be called clown berries with their frilly collars.
It’s a riot of colors now with so many flowers in bloom. I found a riot in the compost pile. A bit of potato has taken root. I will need to carefully transplant it and see what kind of potato spontaneously came to being in the compost bin. Maybe I’ll call it potato composita.
The chickens are having a riotous good time by the pond. The water is high and it’s easy for them to get to the bank and scratch and dig to their heart’s delight in the mud. They probably are able to reach frog eggs, and waterbugs, and fancy pond fare. I’ve yet to see a chicken spear a fish, but someday I might.