When It Shines Everyone Naps


There are nothing but sun worshippers at a man and his hoe®. Living in the Pacific Northwest, there are times you doubt that a thing like the sun even exists. It’s hard to believe in things you never see. So when the sun comes out, you just have to bow down in amazement that such a marvelous thing crosses the blue sky.


Nothing beats taking a long nap in the warm sun. The best naps I’ve ever taken are with the sun beating down on me. The bright rays seem to penetrate to your inner core, cleansing every cell. You wake up feeling like you’ve slept a thousand years. I think the chickens feel the same way. Did you know chickens yawn too? Maybe that should be the distinction we make when we divide beings into sentient and nonsentient ones. If they yawn, they get the special treatment, otherwise … ???


Even the guard dogs nap in the sun. The great thing about living this far north, is that the sun is never cruel. Even in the middle of summer, it’s warmth is gentle, not the blowtorch blaze of a southern sun.

More Signs of Spring


A sure sign of spring are small pullet eggs. The hens which hatched last spring are starting to lay eggs. Some may even become mothers this year. Below are some of the chicks from last May. Perhaps these eggs were laid by the chicks below, now that they are grown up. It does make you wonder what goes through a young hen’s mind the first time she lays an egg. “Woe! What was that, and what am I supposed to do with it?” Or what do they say when they chat with their sister after laying their first egg? “Rachel, you won’t believe what popped out of my but!”


The Beauty Within

GlucokinaseMoleculeDelve into the mechanism of insulin, and you encounter the incredible beauty of protein molecules. They aren’t really these colors. The colors represent the different components of the molecules, but the fantastic shapes are real. It’s like your children took LSD and went crazy with your box of ribbons. The whole stuff of life is this fascinating dance of elaborate dancers, dancing through our bodies, performing all the intricate chemistry that keeps us alive. That’s a glucokinase molecule. There is as much beauty flowing through your blood as there is in any museum of modern art.

This fascinating protein is dipeptidyl peptidase-4 which is associated with immune regulation.


This beauty is insulin.


This is glucokinase hexokinase 4.

On Stacking Wood


While stacking wood the other day, I spotted a moss garden growing on top of a log. This is a great place to live if you like it green and damp like I do. Set out a stump or a rock, and within a year, you’ll have a beautiful moss garden. Torture for me would be having to live in a desert or dry climate. If the trees aren’t lush with moss, I’ll visit but I don’t want to live there.


It can be hard photographing moss gardens with dogs nudging your hands and trying to bite your camera. This is Echo who became diabetic after a bout of pancreatitis before Christmas. Since then it’s been an adventure finding the right dose of insulin to keep his blood glucose level stable.

Which led me to delve into the many mysteries of insulin. Researching how your pancreas knows how much glucose is in your blood, and when to release insulin into your blood stream, turns up diagrams such as this from articles with titles like Glucose sensing in the pancreatic beta cell: a computational systems analysis.


And slogging through sentences like this:

Glucose equilibrates across the plasma membrane and is phosphorylated by glucokinase to glucose 6-phosphate, which initiates glycolysis. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) converts a portion of pyruvate to lactate. Pyruvate produced by glycolysis preferentially enters the mitochondria and is metabolized in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, which then yields reducing equivalents in the form of NADH and FADH2.

It’s all fascinating stuff, with researchers still teasing apart the puzzle as to how it all works, with much of their research being done with rodent cells. Simplified, beta cells in your pancreas under go a chemical process when glucose levels rise in your blood, and release insulin they produce into your blood stream. When your glucose level drops, the beta cells close up and stop releasing insulin. But that is a gross simplification of a process that involves many chemicals and numerous intricate steps.

Where a Lynx Used to Roam


I knew they were logging this forest on my way to the post office, but today the shock of seeing nearly the entire forest gone made me stop and … well what do you do when you come face to face with such devastation?

A few summers ago, I was bicycling by this forest when a large male lynx crossed the road in front of me. He was walking at a leisurely pace, and when he saw me, he didn’t dash off. He just kept walking across the road as if he’d seen me many times before. He walked up a bank to the edge of the woods, and turned around to look at me.

I’d never seen a lynx in the neighborhood, and had to stop and look at it. It calmly stared back at me. Maybe he was sizing me up, wondering if he could make a meal out of me. Perhaps he was calculating how many freezer bags of meat my carcass would fill. After looking at me for a while, it turned and disappeared into this very forest. I guess I didn’t look good enough to eat.


The area that was logged is a 40 acre parcel. It’s puzzling how this works. We’ve got this odd legal system where forests and all the creatures that live in it have no rights. A human who owns the land can come in at any moment and cut everything down. What happens to all the birds who slept in all those trees? What happens to all the animals who had homes there? Where do they go? What about the value of the oxygen the trees produced and the carbon dioxide they were extracting out of the air and storing, the rain water they were capturing and slowly releasing? People are allowed to cut down a forest and not take any of that into account?

Our sense of ownership and responsibility is so short-sighted. Molecular evidence suggests that the last common ancestor between humans and chimpanzees (Pan) diverged 4–8 million years ago. Which means we can trace our ancestors back some 200,000 to 400,000 generations. Given that there were so many generations before us, there are likely to be hundreds of thousands or millions of generations of humans to come. Yet, what are we leaving future generations, if we keep treating our planet the way we do? Don’t we owe it to them to make sure our planet stays the wonderful blue and green gem that it is?

There are various estimates as to when the sun will expand and swallow the earth, or burn up all its hydrogen and turn cold, but it seems that we have four to seven billion years to go before that happens. Even a billion years is some 50,000,000 generations of humans yet to come. What sort of planet are we leaving for them? All those generations of humans yet to come, and the rest of life on this planet, well, you add them all up and they surely have a more substantial claim on this planet than just a single generation of humans does. And yet, when you go to clear a forest of forty acres, none of that counts. It seems so bizarre.

A Special Chick


This is Misasa with one her special chicks. I’m excited to see this one grow up because her mother is Hazel, one of the most stunning hens here. This one doesn’t have her colors, but she does have her neck and hairdo.


HazelsEggAnd this is Hazel’s egg, the very egg from which the chick hatched. It all starts with a simple egg. Though, I guess if you think about it, eggs are hardly simple things. They are quite complicated, amazing feats of hengineering.

Farming Companions


I can count on two companions when I am working outdoors, our dog BB, and Lucky, hen extraordinaire. BB has to be near where I am working. At times this can be a problem, as he loves bedding down in freshly made vegetable beds.

One thing nice thing about these companions is they keep their opinions to themselves. I can work in peace without them telling me I’m doing it all wrong.


Is It January?


Is it only January 7? Today is another day when our wood stove sits cold, without a fire, during the day, something that usually doesn’t happen until March. The morning sky glows like spring. And here are other signs that spring is almost here.

  • An empty chicken roost. The weather is so nice, not a single chicken is indoors.
  • Coulette on a nest. I don’t know where she has her coiffure done. It’s practically Gaga-est. She probably sneaks off to Rodeo Drive when we’re not looking. How she’s paying for her coiffure, well, it’s her secret and it would be impolite for me to pry. At least she laid a beautiful egg.
  • And a sure sign spring is almost here, fresh chard and spinach greens for lunch.


Book Review – Nature’s Trust

NaturesTrustCoverThis is a meaty book by Mary Christina Wood, Professor of Law at University of Oregon. In the book she describes how environmental law has failed to keep our environment safe. Instead of protecting the environment, it is often usurped by industry to destroy the environment.

An issue with environmental laws is that they rely on government agencies to enforce them, and these agencies often have the authority to issue permits to damage Nature. As a result, they regularly issue permits to destroy many natural resources.

The problem is that our environment is governed by Nature’s laws, and Nature doesn’t pay any attention to laws written by people. Add pesticides to an ecosystem, and it will collapse. Change the chemistry of a bay, and the creatures that lived there will suffer. We can’t live healthy lives without a clean, functioning environment. And yet we are now violating Nature’s law on a global level that affects the earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and biodiversity. We are destroying the fabric of our environment, despite all our laws designed to protect it, that we are in danger of making our planet uninhabitable.

I especially liked this observation:

As part of the problem, industrialization has estranged people from their own survival. Many citizens live so detached from food production, water collection, and shelter provision that they remain oblivious to the basic connection between ecological health and human need.

Until I started growing food and raising chickens, I had romantic notions as to how plants grew and what animals needed to live happy lives. Now I realize that nothing is more important to our food production than a clean, healthy environment. It’s impossible to grow food without the help of billions and billions of bacteria, fungi, insects of all sorts, thousands of bee helpers, wasps, butterflies, not to mention clean air and water.

We often think of nature as being apart from us, but the ocean and forests are our lungs. We can no more take a breath without them as we could without our lungs. Pollute and destroy the oceans and earth, and you might as will rip your lungs out. The earth is an extension of our digestive system. Without it, our wastes would not be cleansed and reused. We all poop and that poop just doesn’t disappear into some never-never land when we flush it down the toilet. Eventually it comes back into our mouths in the form of food. Our well-being is tied to the well-being of all other life on earth.

To emphasize the failure of our environmental laws, Ms. Wood writes:

Despite its elaborate environmental laws, the United States has wiped out more than half (53 percent) of its wetlands and nearly all (90 percent) of its old-growth forests. At least 9,000 species face risk of extinction in the United States, according to the Council on Environmental Quality … Rather than safeguarding ecology, today’s environmental law serves as the cane on which humanity leans as it walks the plank toward its own destruction.

Mary Christina Wood’s solution to the ineffective quagmire of environmental regulation, is to treat Nature as a public trust, something the government is obligated to protect for the survival and welfare of citizens, and not just the citizens of today, but to all future generations of citizens. The government has a duty to see that future generations inherit an environment that can sustain them. “A government’s trust duty requires administering the natural endowment strictly on behalf of the people, rather than to favor singular interests.”

Ms. Wood recognizes that transforming the current legal framework which sanctions the environmental destruction we witness every day will not be easy. But she points out that legal frameworks change continuously. It was not that long ago in history that the law allowed people to buy and trade slaves. There are many examples of the law changing in ways unimaginable. Fifty years ago it would have been unthinkable that in most of the USA, gays would be allowed to get married. Now, when another state accepts it, it’s barely newsworthy.

Ms. Wood describes numerous historical legal cases where courts have forced the government to act. For example, in the case of the right of education, courts have described this as a “positive right” and required states to provide sufficient education. By invoking an injunction, courts may forbid a harmful action from occurring and compel affirmative action.

She envisions a future where Nature is treated as a trust which the government has a duty to protect in perpetuity for all citizens.

A trust construct intertwines multiple moral understandings, including:
(1) an ethic toward future generations;
(2) an affirmation of public rights to natural assets;
(3) a condemnation of waste;
and (4) a duty to other living creatures.

Well aware of the influence industry has on our lawmakers and courts, it’s hard to envision government becoming a trustee capable of ensuring that the earth’s environment is protected, so that tens of thousands of years from now, there will still be an inhabitable environment. But Ms. Wood believes that the state of the environment is in such dire straits, that our survival depends on it. But we do have inalienable ecological rights, and it is up to protect them, for us, and for those who come after us.

As she points out in her book, this obligation to protect the environment for future generations was recognized back in 1895 by the US Government when it made this argument in a legal brief in the Fur Seal Arbitration between the U.S. and Great Britain.

The earth was designed as the permanent abode of man through ceaseless generations. Each generation, as it appears upon the scene, is entitled only to use the fair inheritance. It is against the law of nature that any waste should be committed to the disadvantage of the succeeding tenants…. That one generation may not only consume or destroy the annual increase of the products of the earth, but the stock also, thus leaving an inadequate provision for the multitude of successors which it brings into life, is a notion so repugnant to reason as scarcely to need formal refutation.

Winter Salad


There are enough greens spreading their leaves to make a winter salad. The leaves are so tasty, they don’t need any salad dressing.