Author: theMan

  • Wonder, Just a Few Steps Away


    There are so many wonderful things just a few steps away from the front door. An hour doesn’t go by without seeing something that makes me smile. A dog sleeping in the grass, a scented geranium which leaves your fingers smelling like ginger and mint when you rub its leaves, irises blooming in the stream bed, fantastical flower buds, earthworms as long as my hand, and a husband who finds a tiny chicken egg. It must be from one of the chicks which hatched last December.

    These are just a fraction of the wonders I encountered on a single day. It’s hard to stay in bed in the morning when so much wonder is waiting just a few steps away from the front door.


  • Magic At First Light


    Few things are as magical as standing in a potato field when the first rays of the sun clear the trees. How do these plants take sunlight, mix it with nutrients in the ground, and make potatoes? It’s like magic. And they do it while looking beautiful to boot. It’s surprising that city parks don’t have huge beds of potatoes. Lining paths and walkways with potatoes would go a long way to relieving the stresses of living in the city. Imagine walking to work and being able to stroll through rows of waist high potatoes the whole way. You’d arrive at work refreshed and with a good attitude. You can’t walk through a potato field and stay sad. It’s just not possible.


  • Wood Drying – The Show Must Go On


    If you look at wood drying long enough, you can see it change color. Day by day, the sun, the wind, and the rain, bleach, dry, and stain the wood. The show goes on until this coming winter, when the wood will burn in the wood stove, putting on one last dazzling show of brilliant yellow, white, blue, green and red flames.


  • Do Pumpkins Fly?


    Do pumpkins fly? They sure look like they do when they spread their first leaves. They look like they’re spreading wings as they pop out of the ground. A few flaps and off they go.


  • Skunky Today

    Little Skunky is nearly grown up. There is just a hint of the eyeliner she had as a chick. The skunk stripes on her back are now cascades of black and gray and white feathers with tinges of brown. It’s quite a transformation she’s gone through from chick to young hen. This fall she should lay her first egg. Next spring, will she become a mother?
