Author: theMan

  • Hazel

    Hazel is nine months old. Here are some pictures of her from June of 2013, July of 2013, December 2013, and March of 2014. She has stunning patterns on her feathers, and with her naked neck, she cuts quite the pose. At a man and his hoe®, every chicken is special.


  • Heat

    Chickens are but a part of a man and his hoe®. The 800 garlic I planted last fall are shooting up. Come May, the garlic bed will provide a bounty of garlic scapes to enjoy. Much of this is made possible by all the manure the chicken produce. Every few months, I start a new compost pile. The current one is heating up. Much of this week it has been around 130ºF. It’s a bit cooler today as I thoroughly broke it down yesterday and rebuilt it. It will be hot again tomorrow. A good reference for composting, is The Science of Composting by the University of Illinois Extension.

    Every time I turn the compost pile, I’m always amazed at how full of life it is. There are countless tiny creatures as well as billions of microscopic bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Turning the compost pile immediately attracts many chickens. The pile contains a feast for them, and stirring it up makes it easy for them to snatch their favorite things. It’s like a fast food joint for them.

    The brooding hen has ten days left before her chicks hatch. Does she have any idea how busy she will be then? What is going through her mind as she patiently waits?

    It’s been a cool, drizzly day. When the hens have had enough of being out in the wet, hanging out under the eaves is popular.


  • Sunny Spring Morning

    After heavy, early morning rains, the sun is out and the chickens are preening themselves along the banks of the stream which flows from early fall into late spring through a man and his hoe®. Chives and stinging nettles are shooting out in full force. The earth is waking up after taking a deep, long sleep.


  • More of the Crew

    Here are more of the wonderful crew at a man and a hoe®. Each hen is special. Each hen has her favorite nest. Each hen has her favorite rooster. Each lays a unique egg. Here at a man and a hoe®, each hen is treated with the love and respect they deserve.


  • Spring Is Here

    Spring is here at a man and his hoe®. Vibrant shoots of stinging nettles bursting out of the ground prove it. The best vegetables never make it into the stores. Once in a great while, I’ve seen stinging nettles in a farmer’s stall in a farmer’s market. But here, from now through May, there is an endless supply of succulent stinging nettles to eat. The best way to describe them is spinach on steroids. Delicious steamed, fried, or used in soups, they are especially delightful made into a soup with a touch of cream.

    With all the new shoots and bugs emerging, the chickens are having a field day. What a difference two sunny days in a row make.

    The three hens below, Ina-Svenda, Cognac, and Kuro-hime, laid three of the eggs in the colander. I’m not sure who laid the fourth egg. Even though I gather eggs throughout the days, sometimes there are too many hens in a row using a single nest to determine which hen laid which egg. Ina-Svenda laid the egg on the far right, Cognac the dark one, and Kuro-hime the white one.
