• Uncommon Flowers


    Elephant garlic and shallots are worth growing for their flowers. The elephant garlic’s purple flowers are about to open, and the shallot’s white flowers fringed with green are unfurling. Such beautiful flowers. I’ll let these go to seed and start the long process of growing them from seed.


    The dogs are in training to be calm around chickens. It must be difficult for these hunting dogs to have chickens walk around them without being able to catch them, but they are keen on wanting to please us. I do wonder what is going through their minds. “All these birds … why aren’t they eating them?”


  • BowHillMarket20160707

    Yesterday was market day at Bow Little Market. It’s always a pleasure meeting customers and all the Bozos living in the neighborhood. When we moved to Bow years ago, we were told that people who live in Bow are known as Bozos. In addition to the locals, there are people from all over the world stopping by the little market.


    The tomatoes are coming along, and in a week or two, I should have some red tomatoes ready for market.

  • Worth Growing Just for Their Flowers


    You don’t need to grow many vegetables to realize that many are worth growing just for their flowers. Eggplants with their blue and purple flowers, squash with their spectacular orange explosions, they are as remarkable as any daisies, and their fruit make great dishes.


  • Live Another Day … or Not


    A few days ago, I discovered a spider hiding out in the carrot flowers, waiting to nab passing bees. Today, I found it feasting on a bee. I suppose, if you are a bee, dying on a bed of carrot flowers is as good a place to die as possible.

    Living in nature’s haven, there are daily reminders that death is but a step away. This afternoon I saw a small squirrel eat a baby bird it had caught. It looked like a baby robin the squirrel had snatched out of a nest.

    Living in the country, has taught me how precious life is. No matter how small or how big you are, there is something lurking to eat you.

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  • What Flower Is That?


    One of the trees is blooming, putting out tiny, spidery flowers with a hauntingly sweet fragrance. So many trees have such delicate flowers. Bashful beauties of the woods, their beauty is for the few who go looking.


    Niji-hime 虹姫 (Rainbow Princess) is one of the first hens out of the chicken yard this morning. I’ve always admired her multi-colored neck.


    The Stewartia is blooming for a second time this year. The bees are happy. They need to bury their heads deep into the blooms to get its nectar. Do the bees get more pleasure the deeper they have to dive into a flower?
