Yesterday was market day, time to take eggs and salad greens to Tweets Café in Edison. The morning sunlight dances across a sea of lettuce. The lettuce is almost too beautiful to pick.
every day is a good day
Yesterday was market day, time to take eggs and salad greens to Tweets Café in Edison. The morning sunlight dances across a sea of lettuce. The lettuce is almost too beautiful to pick.
King of Orange crows regally from the top of a wood pile. After singing his heart out, he relaxes and surveys his kingdom below. King of Orange is a cross between a Black Bresse and a Swedish Flower Chicken.
The woodpeckers and other birds are starting to feast on the apples. It’s time to harvest them.
I cut up the damaged apples for the chickens, and they came running, even Lucky and her chicks. So did BB, one of our ferocious guard dogs. He doesn’t really like apples, but since the chickens are gorging on them, he has to have some.
Sven, our Swedish Chicken rooster, is making the most of the gathering of hens. You can see him trying to court one in the background. See how he has lowered his wing? He is doing his love dance. A rooster’s love dance isn’t elaborate like a Bird of Paradise’s. It’s very simple. Basically they lower one wing and dance around a hen.
I picked the last Dahlia out of the garden today. The last of the summer flowers. And this afternoon, I found the first egg of a young hen. Every day is the last of something and the first of something else.
While cleaning some freshly dug potatoes, I tossed a few handfuls of the rejects on the grass. It took just a few seconds to draw a crowd of chickens. Even Lucky and her little ones came running.