• Out of The Garden Today, September 9, 2014


    Late season rhubarb, green beans, potatoes, and eggs. Just a few things to make a great supper.

  • Tiny New Eggs


    This is a humorous time of the year when it comes to eggs. The hens that hatched this spring are starting to lay eggs. The first few eggs which they drop are often small, a half to a third the size of normal eggs. You can make cute sunny side up eggs with them.


  • Flowers Age Gracefully


    Even as they age, anemones age gracefully. Their petals soften, they drop, they sag, their long, heavy stems bend and eventually fall to the ground. But they never lose their beauty and grace.


  • A Splash of Fall Color


    I spotted this autumn blooming crocus by the steps when I delivered eggs and salad greens to Tweets Café today. It’s too early for the leaves to be changing color, but not too early for the first blooms of autumn.

    Saffron is an autumn blooming crocus, but I don’t think the crocus above is a saffron. It takes 50,000–75,000 saffron flowers to glean one pound of saffron.

  • Who Goes There?


    Who goes there? Chickens may have little brains, but they still are curious and wary. They are well aware of their surroundings and if they see something new or possibly dangerous, they study it carefully before making a move.

    This is one of my favorite hens born this year. She has a refined look, with the colors of her feathers going from pure black on her head to subtle grays toward her tail. Her gray feathers are fringed in black, making delicate patterns from head to tail. When she stands still, she looks so elegant.
