Warmth Arrives

Bee in cherry blossom

Warmth arrives and with it the bees. The Rainier cherry trees are in full bloom. This year warmth arrived in time for the bees to be buzzing when the Rainiers are in bloom.

Apple blossoms

Some of the apples are starting to bloom too.

Rosemary blossoms

As are some of the rosemary bushes.

Trillium blossom

The trilliums are opening their delicate flowers too. I’m very lucky to be able to step out of the house and stroll into the woods to see trillium blossoms dabbled with sun light. How many get to do that?

Potato sprout

And a sure sign that warmth has arrived are the first potato shoots poking out of the ground. If potatoes are sprouting, some things in this world are going right.