Drifts of Petals

There are more cherry blossoms on the ground than on the tree. From the kitchen window, each puff of wind sends a snow shower of petals through the air. I dream of drifts of petals, knee deep and more. Enough soft petals could bring a city to a full stop, drifts of petals as high as roof tops.

A box of cherry blossom sweets will soon be a memory too.

We’ve come home to a kaleidoscope of flowers, magnolia, pear, fruiting cherry, and plum. There must be something magical about the number five, that so many fruiting trees have flowers with five petals.

The tulips are opening, the cattails are fluffing, letting their seeds blow away. Some of the fluff will end up lining the nests of birds. Lucky the little bird that wakes up in a warm, downy bed of cattail fluff.

The lovage is up. I picked some yesterday, as are the first asparagus. Winter is but a memory now.

One Reply to “Drifts of Petals”

  1. Welcome home. Thanks for sharing your journey here for us readers to enjoy. Yes,Spring is popping out all over here in our small valley.

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