Pure Soy Milk

I received the OK from the Washington State Department of Agriculture to sell my soy milk. I’ve looked at the soy milks sold in grocery stores including stores like the Skagit Valley Food Coop and Community Food Co-op in Bellingham, and it’s impossible to buy unadulterated soy milk. Almost all of them have some added sugars such as cane sugar. They all have stabilizers such as gellan gum or carrageenan; salt; various vitamins; and some add oils such as canola oil. Pure soy milk doesn’t seem to be sold anywhere.

You can get it from me. I’m selling it on Saturdays at the Mt. Vernon Farmers Market in downtown Mt. Vernon, Washington. The Anacortes Food Coop also carries it.

And why would you want pure soy milk? If you are using it for cooking, such as making soups, curries, or hot pot dishes, having added sugars, gums, salt, and additional oils, ruins the flavor.

2 Replies to “Pure Soy Milk”

  1. Hello,
    i’m liking your post! It’s incredibly awesome! Please I also prepare soy milk here in Nigeria, but I don’t know the best way to preserve it so it get sour in about 24hrs outside the refrigerator. Can you please help me with a solution to this problem. I want to know if anything can be done to increase the shelve life of the soy milk.

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