Cancer Strikes and Now I Miss the Cows

Nearly every day, I bicycle past this farm and enjoy looking at the peaceful Simmental cattle foraging on the idyllic pasture. Every year there are new calves and I get to watch their mothers raise them. I’ve been enjoying them for nine years. A few months ago the cattle disappeared and I wondered what happened to them. Today I learned that the owner of the farm has cancer and is no longer able to care for the cattle. They are at his brother’s farm not too far away.


A farmer I don’t even know gets cancer and suddenly, the beautiful cattle I enjoyed watching nearly every day are gone. Everything changes.

So many people have appreciated the beauty of this man’s farm. Besides the cattle, I enjoy looking at the stacks of firewood the farmer makes each year. Some years as he stacks the firewood along the side of the barn he makes patterns with the firewood. One year he “drew” a tree on it’s side using different shades and sizes of firewood. A single person can bring so much happiness to others without even realizing it.

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