Let It Do Its Thing

We get into trouble when we don’t let things do their thing in the time it takes for them to do whatever they are doing. You can make bread quickly by adding things like calcium carbonate, sodium sterol lactylate, mono-and diglycerides, mono calcium phosphate, calcium dioxide, soy lecithin, azodicarbononamide, calcium propionate, datem (diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides, also E472e), sorbic acid, and other miraculous chemicals, such as many commercial breads use, but why would you?

Or you can let it rest quietly through the night, and let the wild yeasts and bacteria munch on the dough until in the morning it is light and fluffy like a cloud from all their miniature burps. No odd ingredients needed.

There is something pleasing about dough that wild yeast has fed on all night. It shapes easily, and feels so good in my hands.

What comes out of the hot oven fills the house with such wonderful aromas.

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