To Be as Fat and Light as a Bumblebee


Oh, to be as fat and light as a bumblebee. It must be fun to be so rolly-polly and still float effortlessly through the air. The news about bees disappearing is distressing. At least here at a man and his hoe, bees are as numerous as ever. The comfrey buzz with hundreds of bumblebees.

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Watch them bumble around, and you see why they’re called bumble bees. Sometimes it looks like their wings lift them off before they are ready to go. Other times, they go bumping into things. In slow motion, they look like drunken sailors stumbling from bar to bar. Such amazing creatures, and the garden is full of them. I have to question the sanity of anyone who makes and sells chemicals that can harm such wondrous creatures, and yet millions of pounds of such chemicals are sprayed on our crops every year. How did we get to this point where we are ripping apart the biological fabric that keeps us alive? Our lives depend on creatures such as these delightful bumble bees.

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